WGRC has a full time Keyworker, with significant experience in the field of dual diagnosis of people suffering with Mental health difficulties and Substance Misuse.
Our keyworker will help provide a co-ordinated approach for people with dual diagnosis in Dublin 12 and the surrounding areas.
The position of a Mental Health Support Worker was added to the WGRC team and this combination work together to help provide specialised assessment, triage and care plans to our participants presenting with both substance misuse and mental health difficulties. In close collaboration with the interdisciplinary team, we have aimed to improve collaboration between WGRC and primary care, A&E, mental health and community providers. We are keen to keep the staff of the HSE mental health and primary care services informed of our services, as well as to open the lines of communication for differing levels of need.
Well Connected –Drop-In Centre
As participants presented with increasing mental health issues, we responded by providing a drop-in facility, ‘Well Connected’, which enabled participants to come together and offer mutual support and information on services and activities available. The “Well Connected” drop-in space aims to create a member-led ethos that identifies peer support for people with self-experience of mental health and recovery as crucial to its long-term success.
The “Well Connected” initiative aims to support the integration of people into the social, cultural and working life of the community. It works to address social exclusion and disadvantage faced by many people with experiences of mental ill-health and works in partnership to promote mental health wellbeing and recovery in the community. The Well-Connected initiative provides a diverse range of health and wellness workshops and activities throughout the year, such as the following;
MINDFULNESS – A Mindfulness Approach to Mental Health
The WGRC has had a significant increase in Mental Health issues directly related to the Global Pandemic, Covid and ongoing lockdowns. With increasing mental health issues, we are responding by running group support and intervention that enables participants to learn to cope with the many stresses in their lives. This approach fosters the capacity to observe, with an open, curious and non-judgmental mind, how stress and negative thoughts play out, moment by moment, in the body, thoughts and emotions.
This intervention is tailored to participants who typically have experienced trauma in their lives and maybe struggling with mental health issues. It encourages participants to reside in the present moment and to bring awareness to the consequences of their actions and to the ‘story’ that their minds persistently generate. With these skills, they are able to ‘reframe’ their past and present lives, building psychological safety, balance and resilience.
The group sessions encourage participants to be as present as possible to whatever is happening at the moment, rather than ignoring, suppressing, escaping or trying to conquer their physical or psychological pain. It is this unwavering focus on the present that promotes healing.
If you or someone you know is suffering from mental health issues and you’d like to discuss with someone, please contact our office on 01 4198630 to make an appointment with our Keyworker.