Employment Assistance

Most of the time, we can depend on our own resourcefulness to cope with whatever comes our way. However, from time to time external support can be important in dealing with particular issues that bring stress and pressure into our lives. Such external support can be provided to your employees through an Employment Assistance Service.

What is Employee Assistance?

Employee Assistance is the work organisation’s resource that utilises specific core disciplines to enhance employee and workplace effectiveness through prevention, identification, and resolution of personal and productivity issues.
What is an Employee Assistance Service (EAS)?

An employee assistance service (EAS) is a worksite-based program designed to assist (1) work organisations in addressing productivity issues and (2) “employee clients” in identifying and resolving personal concerns, including, but not limited to, health, marital, family, financial, alcohol, drug, emotional, stress, or other personal issues that may affect job performance.

The service would provide mental health support confidentially to employees. Direct line access is essential allowing the employee to make contact with the EAS directly, ensuring confidentiality. External services provide counselling, information, and support delivered by mental health professionals, usually based off site of the organisation.

The purpose of the EAS is to provide employees and their immediate family members with easy access to confidential counselling and to assist in coping with personal and/or work issues.

The service is available to employees of the work organisation and in some instances to immediate family members above the age of 16.

The service provides:
• Professional Assessment
• Personal Support
• Counselling
• Referral to other professional resources where appropriate

Why is the Service Provided?

When an employee is worried or concerned, it helps to have someone who will listen in a non-judgemental way.
If that someone is a skilled counsellor, then the employee is taking an important and perhaps the first step to resolving these worries or concerns. Apart from getting support, the employee will discover their own strengths, skills and resources.

The EAS can help you with issues in any of these areas:

  • Work related issues

  • Substance abuse

  • Emotional concerns

  • Family issues

  • Relationship difficulties

How is the Service Provided?

The work organisation contracts an external provider, to deliver the Employee Assistance Service. Through the EAS, counselling services will be available to employees of your work organisation and their immediate family members, from a range of professional counsellors and psychotherapists. The Employee Assistance Service is a confidential service.

It is provided by trained and experienced counsellors who are professionally qualified and bound by the codes of conduct of the professional bodies to which they belong and is available to all employees for support with both personal and work –related concerns.

The following services are available:

  • Face to face counselling

  • Single session or short term structured telephone counselling

  • Telephone or face-to-face counselling is available through the EAS and works with current issues in a goal oriented manner, identifying existing strengths and potential solutions in a collaborative way between the counsellor and client.

It is based upon a short term model of up to six counselling sessions. The process commences with a telephone assessment to identify short term issues that can be reasonably addressed within the short term counselling model.

If it is assessed by the counsellor that longer term counselling or in-depth psychotherapy is more suited to the needs of the client, we will identify the appropriate resources within their local area, including low or no cost options where available.

Face to face appointments can be made at a location convenient to the client.

The service provides feedback to the organisation regarding broad issues which may enhance Employee Wellbeing and the organisation’s effectiveness.

You can call us at 01-4198630 or email [email protected]
We are located at: 16 Bridgecourt Office Park, Walkinstown Avenue, Dublin 12

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