D12 Well Connect is a project spearheaded by community, voluntary and statutory groups called the D12 Community Mental Health Forum.
The D12 Well Connected drop in centre is a welcoming space for people to meet others, have a chat and a cuppa, receive information and relax in a space dedicated to promoting positive mental health, wellbeing and recovery in the D12 Communities.
If you or someone you know are concerned about their mental health please drop in
Training and workshops are also run all year round.
Schedule for 2021 will be advertised on Facebook, Websites and locally in January 2021.
Meetings taking place at Walkinstown Community Centre, 131A Walkinstown Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
All welcome to drop in or contact 085-767 9750
Offering a wide variety of services including, non-judgmental confidential telephone helpline and one-to-one support service for women.
A list of published reports about alcohol and related issues.
Alcohol self-assessment tool.
Offering a free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm.
This app provides you with instant feedback on your drinking. It compares your drinking against the Drinks Meter community to give unbiased, anonymous feedback.
The SMART Recovery Toolbox provides a variety of methods, worksheets, and exercises to help you self-manage your addiction recovery and your life.
They provides an information resource for the local area around drug awareness, drug education, drug prevention, family support, local drugs research, family & community support.
Alcohol addiction, formally called alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic, relapsing brain disorder.
We are specifically linking to the teen section of this site, a place just for teens affected by someone else’s alcoholism.
Their services are available to anyone resident in the catchment area of the North Eastern Region of the Health Service Executive – North of the Liffey & North County Dublin. They have been providing services to people with alcohol problems since 1977.
The Loreto Centre in Crumlin was set up to meet the needs of people in the local community, by providing opportunities for personal growth and community development through the delivery of Adult Community Education and low cost Counselling/Psychotherapy.
Empowering people to make and maintain healthy lifestyle changes related to alcohol, polydrug misuse and Hepatitis C.
Provides a range of treatment services to people with addictions, their families or anyone affected by addiction